All are Welcome
At this church, we are reminded of a God whose grace never wearies, whose love never fails. We are reminded of a God who provides for every need, the needs of our bodies, and the needs of our souls. Who fed tens of thousands with manna, and five thousand with a small boy's lunch. And who brought life to withered souls through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Scripture reminds us that this communion feast is a foretaste of a feast we will all share together in the Kingdom of God. At the feast they will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at table in the kingdom of God. Because in God’s kingdom, none of the things that separate us shall continue to do so.
During communion we must remember that this table is not our table… it is not the Presbyterian Church’s table. It is Christ’s table, so it is not limited to those of specific nationality, race, gender or political identity. This table belongs to the God who reconciles us to one another, and welcomes the hungry to partake in the feast which God has prepared.
So come, you who are broken, and you who are whole. Come you who have failed, and you who are faithful. Come regardless of your race, your sexuality, your gender, your nationality or your social status. This church and this table is for you. It is Christ who invites you. It is Christ who has made the way for you. If you feel Christ calling you to this church, you are welcome.
Scripture reminds us that this communion feast is a foretaste of a feast we will all share together in the Kingdom of God. At the feast they will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at table in the kingdom of God. Because in God’s kingdom, none of the things that separate us shall continue to do so.
During communion we must remember that this table is not our table… it is not the Presbyterian Church’s table. It is Christ’s table, so it is not limited to those of specific nationality, race, gender or political identity. This table belongs to the God who reconciles us to one another, and welcomes the hungry to partake in the feast which God has prepared.
So come, you who are broken, and you who are whole. Come you who have failed, and you who are faithful. Come regardless of your race, your sexuality, your gender, your nationality or your social status. This church and this table is for you. It is Christ who invites you. It is Christ who has made the way for you. If you feel Christ calling you to this church, you are welcome.